Customer Feedback
"I received my deck today and was struck in awe! I have always tried to avoid "what is your favorite deck" sort of question, but this one certainly pushes me close to a settled answer as of now. This is the kind of deck that can only be created by someone with not only visual sensibility, but also a literary and philosophical mind. The keywords are well thought-over and evocative: "zeitgeist" for 0"evolution" for VI, "the only certainty" for XIII, "the new deal" for XX, among many others. Another great thing I noticed is how each suit contains an implicitly recurrent visual theme, though not in a mechanic manner: tiger for fire, heart for water, owl for air (nothing more appropriate for the swords if we think about Hegel's famous metaphor for philosophy and reflexivity), and "earth" for earth. Love the way that the tiger and earth occasionally break through the frame of the image! So far my favorite cards are the moon (the clock and time-management as the new hallucination of our time--genius sense of irony, as in six of fire), four of fire (hardly have I encountered any four of wands that can grasp the exhaustion behind completion), five of air (oh dear, only a writer knows how it feels), two of earth (the lunar eclipse raises the juggling trick to a new magnitude), and a whole lot others (mayer of air, four of water, evolution, eight of earth)...I still need some time to absorb them... but this is beyond just brainy, it is at once powerful and contemplative--consider how often powerful images would fall short of subtlety. I have a feeling that this is not an intuitive deck for everyone. But those who appreciate it would definitely appreciate it deeply. What a tour de force..."
-- "mydearruby" on
"This is an incredible, amazing deck. The artwork is impeccable, the colors beautiful, the images complex, compelling, amusing. I also bought the book so I'd have the full meaning intended for each admittedly unusual image. I couldn't be happier with this deck and book combo, my favorite in a growing collection. Really unique, and very attractive. Sturdy and well made as well. If you love all things circus, by all means, get this deck!" -- Laurie S., Etsy review.

“The deck is much and much more beautiful than I had ever imagined from watching the pictures on the screen. The colours are very rich, yet aged at the same time. The card stock is great, very sturdy and glossy but not laminated like the plastic cards I sometimes get from US Games. All images are stunning. Going to be playing with these for a long while to come. I realize that what is a moment of completion for you, is only the beginning of the journey for us readers. I am extremely grateful for this unique deck and don't regret for a second having backed the Kickstarter. Let the show begin! … Oh and I need to add that I'm also quite charmed by the Golliwogg Oracle! That is one beautiful little treasure in its own right! Love it!” — Mira B. via Facebook
Photo by Marcus Katz.
“This deck is a masterpiece. It's been a while since a deck has taken my breath away with its originality and at the same time tarot-faithfulness. This is really quite something. I cannot stop looking at it and thinking about it. I am delighted to see that the app is now available too. I shall go buy it straightaway. But the deck is an absolute treasure. I have simply never seen anything like it. And I have a lovely baba circus bag (with an old circus lithograph/poster) which will be just perfect for it. Incredible achievement…” Le Fanu, via Aeclectic Tarot Forums."Thank you so much! This is a fantastic deck." -- Thorn M., Etsy review.
"Just to let you know that my deck has arrived safe and sound. I am very pleased with it. This [Roadshow] version is easier to shuffle as I have small hands (not to mention the arthritis), and I shall use this one for my readings rather than my first edition. You have created a very usable deck, and I reach for it a lot. Stupendous!" -- Julia S.
"This deck has haunted me for a while… It is such a wonderful deck - I am very controlled over what I buy now regarding self-published decks - but this one is just too magical to let slip by. And I love the Golliwog & Zirkus Magi. I love everything you do... This one - with its hook-nosed, eerie Victorian stage set dolly creepiness - has me spellbound. … It's that eerie, rather sickly side of Victoriana which I always loved and which this deck captures so perfectly. Borderless cards too so all that unhinged sideshow clutter, the manic grins and hooked noses spill right out to the edges of the cards. It's wonderful that the world of tarot has something for all tastes. … Thank you for these extraordinary, inventive decks you do! There is nothing else like them in the tarot field.”— Le Fanu, edited from several Aeclectic Tarot Forum posts.
-- Lynne D., Etsy review.
"This deck is beautiful and if you were a child of the 50s and early 60s, you might remember learning to read along with these little brownie images. I am impressed with the 2nd deck as well. Thank you Duck Soup...." -- cshaman, Etsy Review.
Photo by Shelee M
"Yay! My Brownies Oracle arrived & it's so adorable ! I love it. I love that these decks always have a history behind them. Whether it's an artist or writer, it makes the deck unique and I certainly feel like I have a small piece of history I can work with & use , while shedding light on the backstory and keeping it alive by sharing it with others !!!!" --Groggyshoes, Etsy Review.

"Pay no mind to the fact that October has come and gone, because this fun and spooky deck will work wonderfully year round! These cards are very reminiscent of my Halloweens as a child, bringing back memories of myself in a witch costume not unlike the one that the Page of Pentacles is wearing. I ordered the Deluxe edition and I am so happy I did. The bigger size really allows the colors to pop and brings each scene to life. I want to jump right into the card and join in on the Halloween fun! The cardstock is perfect~it is just flexible enough to shuffle smoothly, but not too flimsy. The photo attached includes just a few of my favorite cards in this deck. Thank you to the creator for creating a real treat of a deck that I will be using for years to come. Get yourself a copy of the Trick or'll have a scary good time!" -- Kasey A. (etsy review)