Extraordinary and Eccentric Decks for the Adventurous Practitioner.
Never mass-produced. Never ordinary.
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Duck Soup Productions Screening Room
UPDATED 8.09.24
Just updated the "Coming Attractions" page for the first time in a long while, with new images of what's in the works. "Tarot of the Steampunk Pussyquats" is back in progress!
• The expanded TENTH ANNIVERSARY third edition of TAROT OF THE ZIRCUS MAGI is available now!
This NEW third edition of our flagship deck features 12 new extra cards (90 cards in all!) and is packaged in a colorful double-sided hook box: all at a lower price than before.
It's joined by a new 10th Anniversarry packaging of the Zirkus Lenormand and Zirkus Bavarian (Kipper) decks: now sold together at a value price.
Thank you for TEN YEARS of MAGIC!
Sorry, but I can no longer accept any orders shipping to Russia or surrounding regions. In addition, shipping to certain countries (esp. Israel and Brazil) from Hong Kong has now become outrageously, prohibitively expensive. I'm having to accept some international orders on a case-by-case basis. I don't know what's causing this; I hope the situation will improve soon.
HELP LINKS: Click on them!!! Questions? Check the FAQ! and EMAIL DUCK SOUP PRODUCTIONS
GET THE OFFICIAL Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi APP!
The full deck in one convenient app, complete with TWO books, unique spreads, a working journal and lots of great features.